If you’ve been following the CP-93 Flag collection for 2018 then you know that certain pieces in certain sizes can be frustratingly disappearing and reappearing over various retailers and in various sizes with the highest demand pieces seemingly gone. You probably also know that the UK is getting a lot of love with the highest demand RL collections and for whatever reason items are just sitting. To add injury to insult many UK retailers don’t ship to the USA so you can sit on your computer and just smile, yes….just smile because unless you have the UK connect you won’t have access. Thankfully, pieces have been popping up at Mainline Menswear – a UK retailer that DOES ship internationally but don’t sleep. Sizes have already begun disappearing and who knows what other pieces may show up. Shop the CP-93 Flag collection NOW at MAINLINE MENSWEAR and keep it bookmarked for future drops.