If you follow Jade Ramey on Instagram it could be tough to sort through some of the eye candy but for those that actually take the time you’ll realize there is a story behind the figure you are salivating over. Taken from her website JadeRamey.com she states
“My fitness journey started much like the rest – I was partying excessively, eating poorly and practicing wasteful habits. With no direction or “purpose” in life I was all over the place.
Although I had been active and involved in sports my entire life, regularly hit the gym, ate fairly well, I never saw myself fill out or get the results I wanted solely from these activities. Once I started to teach myself to weight train I immediately saw results and my body started to transform. For me, fitness was more than aesthetics – it became my outlet. It helped me strengthen my mind and body, building my confidence to take on whatever the world throws at me. It is now my primary goal to help you build that confidence in yourself and provide the tools to do so.
I have created these programs to give you the proper information and tools you need to train and create the body you’ve always dreamed of! I’ve eliminated a lot of the guessing game you may feel when first starting out. It will be challenging, but not as challenging as facing it alone.
I hope that your journey is as empowering and uplifting as mine has been. You deserve it.
Lets get started!!!”
There are some before and after photo’s of her and its clear that aside from modeling Jade is really into fitness. She’s also into make up and skin routines (a good excuse for you to explain to your significant other as to why you are following her on YouTube and IG). Make sure to follow Jade On Instagram and Jade on YouTube NOW.