Lets keep it all the way real, Skechers is a modern day L.A. Gear. Cool, but remember that L.A. Gear was once in the top three for footwear brands in the United States back in the day and not to surprising, Skechers has bounced around from two to three back to two back to the three spot. Why you may ask (if you are a Yeezy loving Kanye West fan boy)? Well, here it goes. Skechers has mastered the art of advertising and knows their customer very well. Need an example? Look at BOB’s, a clear knock off of TOMS that was just plain cheesy but that in some ways have overshadowed its competition by dumping tons of money into advertising – I can’t tell you how many people I’ve run into that have no idea about TOMS but do know about BOB’s. They know the people they are selling to aren’t the type that are going to hit up SOHO on a Saturday or a local boutique. Below is a good example of one of their advertising masterpieces. This 2004 print ad targeted towards the young middle American male says hey bro, come cop me now, its ok now look at all the cool stuff thats going on behind me. Whatever, there’s a market for it and it worked. With that said, if you plan on going into the footwear industry keep that in mind when you see something you think is corny. Now, go throw on some NT Denim and Check it out below!