It was 1989. Nike and Reebok were rushing to be the first sneaker company to market with a pump sneaker (to bad the technology dates back to the 1800’s Fillmore Pneumatic Insole) Ultimately Reebok would go on to claim victory as far as the Pump wars go but Nike was in it for 3 years beginning with the Nike Air Pressure. Over the years the Air Pressure gained a cult following from collector’s that loved its 80’s interpretation of futuristic looks, its eye catching packaging and the historical fact that it was one of the first inflatable basketball shoes ever and the first and only one of three from Nike. As the years passed so did the possibility of being able to wear a pair with the majority of Air Pressure’s no longer wearable. Nike heard our cries and answered them by way of the Nike Air PR1 a retro that left most saying thanks but no thanks. Fast forward to 2016 and Nike dropped a bombshell of news randomly that the Air Pressure will release in a few days! Retail is rumored to be $300 but as of now no confirmation. Release date will be January, 14 2016. GET READY FOLKS. MUCH THANKS TO OUR FRIENDS OVER AT TENISUFKI FOR BREAKING THIS STORY THIS MORNING.