When I think of the word scat I usually envision an old woman trying to get rid of a mouse or a cat or some sort of animal that they want to vacate the premises. Anyway, Scat is a brand of sneakers under the Gallenkamp Shoe company. Their business ran from 1922-1992 (according to tradmarkia) and it appears that Pro-Keds may have borrowed their design directly from this company. It wasn’t until the early 80’s that we saw the point on Pro-Keds logo and until that time they only featured the thick stripe followed by a thin one. It really does leave you scratching your head as to who exactly jacked who and definitely makes for some interesting conversation. Further Scats was able to lock down two time Heisman trophy winner Archie Griffen for their Paw running shoes a move that shows they were atleast somewhat serious about marketing the shoe for performance (even if they were on the lower price range). Compare The Paw below and check out these Pro Keds Conquests and let us know who you think used the thin stripe with the thick stripe with point first by leaving a comment in the box below!