Andddddddd we’re back. For part 11 we took a look back at Kazu’s Favorite Nike Plus Page and for part 12 we are taking look at Swooshtown. Anyone that was surfing the net in the very late 90’s/super early 2000’s was destined to come across Swooshtown.
This site was all things Nike and featured Nike news, a shoe archive,
shoe reviews,
bulletin board, links to other sites and a section devoted to Nike’s latest; their Alpha Project.
There wasn’t an over abundance of photo’s but plenty of eye candy nonetheless
The moderator of the site listed players (of the time) endorsed by Nike/Brand Jordan including their current team which was a nice touch looking back some 14 years.
Unfortunately there were no other brands featured on the site and no running shoes or rare prototypes. The site was also very short lived but still full of passion and love
for both the sport of basketball and the shoe game.