Lets face it, a lot of artists outside of the south try painstakingly hard to have that southern sound. With the lack of sound variation that can make things get, welllllll a little stale. Luckily artists like Toro Y Moi are bringing to the table a completely fresh sound that is likely (hopefully) to cross over to mainstream hip hop. Hailing from South Carolina, the 27 year old has put in some serious work over the years garnering an international fan base. While most closely associated with Chill wave he has described his latest album as having “sort of a ’90s dance mix sound”. According to him, the album “was definitely influenced by lots of different types of house, from deep house to two-step”. While I’d have to disagree with that (the album has only minor hints of 90’s dance) there’s no denying his talent and ability to make music that would appeal to several genres. Check out a sampling of this dudes work below and then head on over to toroymoi.com .