Your probably thinking, what is so special about the 1990′s Converse Chuck Taylor? Well for one, this shoe was made before Nike bought Converse. Two, they are made in the U.S.A. Last, but most important, aside from that little made in the USA print on the heel and on the insole, the quality on these is much better than a Chuck Taylor made after 2000, and for that matter after 2003 (when Nike purchased the company and moved production overseas). The insole is thicker, the canvas is thicker, the shoe is much more substantial. They are not as comfortable as say a Chuck Taylor made in the 1970′s (black labels) but they are still much more comfortable than a Chuck Taylor made today. If you wear Converse all star’s, and have the opportunity to pick up a pair of these for a good price do it. Below are pictures from the DeFY. New York Photo vault enjoy!