June is just around the corner, and you know what time it is, the National Puerto Rican Day Parade. As always you should get there EARLY, wear light clothing and bring plenty of water, oh and bring your A game fellas cause the ladies will be out in full force! The date is June 13th and go from 44th Street to 86th Street. If you haven’t been there expect a huge crowd, dudes selling individual shots of liquor (Seriously and everyone was drinking it from the same shot glass, I couldn’t fathom why anyone thought that was a good idea.) You don’t need to be Puerto Rican to enjoy the festivities just be prepared, and make sure to watch the weather report for that day. To get you ready for the parade I’ve posted some personal throw back photo’s to rekindle some memories (RIP Justin we miss you dearly), the pictures are from 1998, a very memorable PR parade, we ran into Mr Nasier aka Nasty Nas on a side street in the pouring rain, and before that saw Puffy coming down 5th ave, saw plenty of beautiful woman, walked more than I care to remember lol, and ended the day with some soup with salami y platano YUM. Check out some of my own personal fliks below from the 1998 parade.