So while everyone has gone completely mad over the 2009 retro of the 2000 release Nike Air Jordan XI spacejam (there was no space jam release in 1995-96 only a few samples), I sat back and wondered where all these people were back in 2000 and what makes the shoe (which for 2009 has inferior construction compared to its 2000 counterpart) worthy to go so crazy over? Prices for the 2009 release have soared in some cases higher than the 2000 release which is sad since the all around quality is horrible. The only upgrade has been with the box, the toe insert they have for these won’t help with patent leather creasing (personally i think paper towels stuffed in the toe box will do a better job of that. Anyhow here is a picture of the original release that i owned and sold off, enjoy
P.S. look at how misshaped the retro’s are in comparison to the OG’s (OG’s on the right).